Postage Act 1822
(3 Geo 4 c.105, 5th August 1822)

An Act for granting Rates of Postage for the Conveyance of Letters and Packets between the Port of Liverpool in the County of Lancaster and the Isle of Man.
[5th August 1822.]

'WHEREAS it may be found expedient to establish a Packet Boat for the Conveyance of Letters and Packets between the Port of Liverpool in the County of Lancaster and the Port of Douglas in the Isle of Man: And Whereas it is expedient that the Postmaster General be authorized to demand, have, receive and take certain Rates of Postage for such Conveyance of the said Letters and Packets:' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this Act it shall and may be lawful to and for His Majesty's Postmaster General and his Deputy and Deputies by him thereunto authorized, to and for the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, to demand, have, receive and take for the Port and Conveyance of all and every the Letters and Packets that shall be carried and conveyed by Packet Boats to or from the Port of Liverpool and the Port of Douglas in the Isle of Man, over and above all other Rates payable for such Letters and Packets, according to the Rates and Sums hereafter mentioned; that is to say, for every Single Letter Six Pence, for every Double Letter One Shilling, for every Treble Letter One Shilling and Six Pence, and for every Ounce in Weight Two Shillings, and so in proportion for every Letter and Packet exceeding the Weight of an Ounce.

II. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Postmaster General to cause the Rates of Postage hereby chargeable and payable to be paid either prior to such Letters and Packets being forwarded, or on Delivery, as to him in his Discretion may seem meet.

III. And be it further enacted, That the Monies to arise by the Rates and Duties aforesaid, except the Monies which shall be necessary to defray such Expences as shall be incurred in the Collection and Management of the same, shall be paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer, and carried to and made Part of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and applied to such and the same Uses as the present Rates and Duties of Postage are now or shall be directed to be paid and applied.