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interpanneau gutter pairs

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:00 pm
by jimusedcontrols
Can anyone help me her please?
Why are interpanneau pairs not given catalogue status and values whereas EII gutter pairs with and without traffic lights are?
I managed to acquire my first Geo V cover used with an interpanneau pair last week and apart from that only have an Edward VII pair. They never seem to be available used on ebay either.


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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:05 pm
by Murray Gellatly
In my view "Gutter Pairs" were a freak of the "investment boom" in modern QEII, basically an interest created by dealers.
I agree that GV or EDVII are more desirable and far harder to find.
i do not recall ever seeing a used item.