An Act against robbing of the Packet
(1 Will & Mar, s.3 c.3 Scottish Parliament, 13th Sept. 1690)

William III of England was William II of Scotland, but Mary was Mary II in both countries.

An Act against robbing of the Packet

Our Sovereign Lord and Lady, considering the great Advantage that doth arise to the publick Service and private Interest of Commerce, from the quick and safe Despatch of Letters and publick Orders by the Common Post, either from this Kingdom, or to the same from England or Ireland, or from one Part of the Kingdom to another: And that the robbing or seizing of the Common Post, Mail, or Packet, or any other Expresses, is a notorious Kind of Robbery, and most prejudicial to the Government and Commerce of the Kingdom: Therefore Their Majesties, with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament, do declare, That the robbing or seizing the Mail or Packet, or the Letters or Dispatches going or coming by the Common Post, or any other Expresses, as aforesaid, is Robbery, and shall be punished with Death and Confiscation of Moveables.