Anonymous letter threatening the Postmaster General. A follow-on

General Post-Office, November 7, 1753
Raguin Code: NEWS –5304

Whereas a second anonymous Letter has been sent to the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Leicester, His Majesty's Post-Master General, in the following Terms:

"My Lord,1753.

"I don't find that you have ordred Mr. Stockdale to be taken down, but you give yourself the Trouble to advertise so much Reward, but you will find yourself quite mistaken, for we are true Englishmen, we ant French Men, nor Irish Men, so that we shall never discover one another, not for One Thousand, much more your One Hundred Pounds; so then if Mr. Stockdale ant taken down in a Week's Time, we will serve you as we said in our last Letter.

"Tuesday, October the 30th.So no more.

P.S. "You need not give yourself any more Trouble of advertizing, for we shall all stand true to one another, and are resolute to have him down, let what will happen."

This is to offer a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS to any who shall or may make Discovery of the Party or Parties concerned in Writing or Sending the above said Letter, so that he, she or they, be convicted thereof, together with his Majesty's most Gracious Pardon for any Accomplice, who shall make Discovery of the same.

GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.