West Indies, United States. "Grenville" packet. Rates and schedule

General Post-Office, October 9, 1764
Raguin Code: NEWS –6405

A Mail will be dispatched from this Office on Thursday the 8th of November next, being the second Thursday in the Month, for his Majesty's Islands in the West Indies, Pensacola, St. Augustine, Savanna, and Charles Town, by the Grenville Packet Boat, Capt. Purches, now at Falmouth.

The Passage from London to the West India Islands 1s. 6d. a Single Letter; to the whole Continent of America, including Florida, 1s. the Double, Treble, and Ounce Letters and Packets, in Proportion; which must be paid upon their Delivery into this Office; the Inland Postage to London, from all Places in Great Britain and Ireland, must also be paid over and above the said Rates.

ANTHONY TODD, Secretary.