Barbadoes, Antigua, Jamaica, St. Christopher's, Grenada, Pensacola & Charleston. Schedule

General Post-Office, March 8, 1766
Raguin Code: NEWS –6601

His Majesty's Postmaster General having been pleased to establish Two additional Packet Boats of 170 Tons Burthen, to be navigated with 20 Men each, for the Conveyance of Mails, Expresses, and Passengers to Barbadoes, Grenada, Antigua, St. Christopher's, Jamaica, Pensacola, Charles-Town, and back to Falmouth; as also to establish Three others of the same Tonnage, and the like Number of Men, instead of those at present employed in the Service;

Notice is hereby given, that a Mail will be made up and dispatched from this Office accordingly, on Thursday next the 13th Instant, being the second Thursday in the Month; and for the future a Mail is intended to be dispatched from hence the second Thursday in every Month.

HENRY POTTS, Secretary.