United States, Barbados & Leeward Islands. Schedule

General Post-Office, September 6, 1768
Raguin Code: NEWS –6805

His Majesty's Postmaster General having been pleased to establish a sufficient Number of Packet-Boats to sail between Falmouth and New York, Charles Town, and the West-India Islands, to support a regular Monthly Correspondence to and from these Kingdoms and all Parts of his Majesty's extensive Dominions in America.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the several Mails for America, upon this New Arrangement, are to be made up at this Office on Wednesday the 5th of October next, and will continue to be dispatched from hence in the same Manner upon the first Wednesday in every Month.

The Mail for New York will contain the Letters for all the Provinces on the Continent of America, from Virginia Northwards. That for Charles Town will include the Letters for North and South Carolina, Georgia, and East and West Florida, except for Pensacola, the Letters for which Place will be forwarded from Jamaica by every Opportunity. And the Mail from the West Indies will contain the Letters for Barbadoes, all the Leeward Islands, and Jamaica, from whence the Packet-Boats are, instead of proceeding to Pensacola, to return immediately to Falmouth.

Upon the Arrival of these several Mails from hence at Falmouth, the Packet-Boats are to proceed with them to Sea immediately, Wind and Weather permitting; but if they should be unavoidably detained one or more Days, such Letters as come hither, or may be put into this Office, will be sent every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for Falmouth, for the Chance of the Packets under Sailing Orders, and if sailed, they will be forwarded by the next Boat in Turn. Great Inconveniences having arisen to the Public by returning Letters for the Postage; Their Lordships, for the Accommodation of Correspondence, leave it now to the Option of the Writer to pay or not beforehand to any Part of His Majesty's Dominions either in Europe or America, except to Gibraltar or Port Mahon.

All Persons however are particularly to take Notice, that Letters and Packets from any Part of Great-Britain, Ireland, or America, for all Places beyond the Seas not in His Majesty's Dominions, are to pay at the Office they are put in, the full Port to London, besides the Foreign Rates they may be chargeable with, to prevent the Necessity of their being opened and returned for the Postage.

ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

A Table of the Rates of Postage, and a List of the Places to which there is an Every-Day Post, will be given to any Person who may apply for them to the Chamber-Keeper here.