North America. Postage must be prepaid

0009 General Post-Office, May 22, 1784
Raguin Code: –8403

NOTICE was given by an Advertisement from this Office of the 18th of November last, that the Packet Postage of one Shilling for a single Letter, and so in Proportion, between LONDON and NEW-YORK, might or not be paid beforehand; but Difficulties having arisen in the Collection of the Packet Postage in NORTH-AMERICA, it now becomes necessary to inform the Public, that both the Inland and Packet Postage on all Letters from any Part of GREAT-BRITAIN or IRELAND for NORTH-AMERICA, which are forwarded from this Office on the first Wednesday of every Month, must absolutely be paid quite to NEW-YORK, and also to HALIFAX, without which they must be opened, and returned to the Writers.