Mail coaches. Mr. Palmer's orders have to be complied with

0012 General-Post-Office, 1785
Raguin Code: –8504

You are hereby directed to comply with all such Orders as you may receive from Mr. Palmer, or any Persons he may authorise as his Agents in the Establishment of his Plan for the Conveyance of His Majesty's Mails; and you are in all Cases to promote the Success of it according to his Instructions, and to render it as beneficial to the Public as may be in your Power, and in Consequence of Mr. Palmer's having complained that some of the Postmasters have neglected their Duty, and the Instructions given them by himself or Agents, it is thought necessary to add, that if any Postmaster shall wilfully misconstrue or neglect these Orders sent from the Postmaster-General, such Behaviour will be properly punished by their Lordships. And you are further directed hereby to address all Letters relative to the Establishment and Completion of Mr. Palmer's Plan either to him or his Agent Mr. Bonnor, at his Office No. 87, Lombard-Street.

I am, Your assured Friend,
Anthony Todd, Sec.

Postmaster of