Allowance to carry mail. Increase in the allowance from 3d. to 4½d. per mile (Notice)

0015 General Post-Office, June 17, 1790
Raguin Code: –9005

As the Three-pence per Mile, hitherto allowed for the Conveyance of Expresses, is not sufficient to enable the Postmasters to find good and able Horses for the Performance of this Service, with proper Expedition;

NOTICE is hereby given, That Three Halfpence per Mile, in Addition to the Three-pence now allowed for the Ride, is to be paid over and above the Three Halfpence per Mile for the Post-Horse Duty, making in the Whole Six-pence per Mile; and also One Shilling for each Stage, instead of Six-pence to the Rider, as an Encouragement for him to perform his Duty with greater Readiness and Dispatch; to commence on Monday the 21st Instant.

The Fees for dispatching and delivering Expresses remain as at present.