
This page links to a number of images of historical maps from the pre-1840 period, chosen because they list post towns, post roads, and often mileages as measured (or estimated) at the time, on a readable scale. This latter point means that the images are large in terms of the number of pixels!

Map reproduction courtesy of the Norman B. Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library.

England and Wales with roads and mileages
Phillip Lea [4148 x 4295 pixels, 3.8MB, 1690]

England and Wales with roads and mileages
Herman Moll [8184 x 7129 pixels, 16.0MB, 1732]

England and Wales with roads and mileages
Unknown [5056 x 5062 pixels, 3.9MB, 1750]

England and Wales with roads and mileages
John Bowles & Son [12471 x 8044 pixels, 16.8MB, 1750s?]

Counties 30 miles around London
Thomas Kitchin [9914 x 12093 pixels, 8.7MB, 1773]

England and Wales with roads and mileages from London
Thomas Kitchin [4148 x 4295 pixels, 41MB, 1777]

England and Wales with roads and mileages from London
John Wallis [4179 x 4924 pixels, 5.6MB, 1783]

England and Wales with roads and mileages
John Bumpus [6297 x 8051 pixels, 7.2MB, 1826]

Scotland with Computed Miles from Town to Town
Herman Moll [7836 x 8179 pixels, 9.4MB, 1736]

Scotland with post roads and stages
Laurie & Whittle [5032 x 6000 pixels, 8.4MB, 1794]

Scotland with roads and mileages
Robert Kirkwood [7378 x 9084 pixels, 9.8MB, 1816]

Ireland with Computed Miles from Town to Town
Herman Moll [7996 x 8429 pixels, 14.8MB, 1732]

Ireland with distances, Civil and Ecclesiastical
Revd. D.A.Beaufort [8703 x 10653 pixels, 27MB, 1797]

Ireland with Roads and Post Towns
J. & J.H.Fleming [4246 x 5631 pixels, 5.6MB, 1820]